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Help please

Hi, could someone let me know if there is a number we can call for an emergency doctor please? In the UK i know what to do but here I am not sure, did not want to call 112, but would have liked to speak with a doctor, what's worse it was the middle of the night and as you know things always seem worse then. Thanks in advance for tour help.

La Marina

Yes I to would like clarification on this point perhaps a few words from an expert PLEASE.

Commented Have A Nice Day in La Marina 2012-09-14 16:03:03 UTC

112 is your best bet - but you wont get to speak to a DR - however you would need spanish - other than that go straight to urgencia at your nearest hosp...

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2012-09-14 16:50:12 UTC

On the back of your sanatary "SIP" card are two emergency numbers that you can phone, however you have to speak spanish and they do not always answer during busy periods.

Commented belenmaughan2 in La Marina 2012-09-15 09:58:26 UTC


We don't have SIP cards as we are not residents, we come for 3 to 4 weeks at a time, had hoped there would be someone to contact and not have to go through the emergency number.

Commented Tina in La Marina 2012-09-15 12:57:10 UTC

I cant profess to knowing too much on this subject,But I think the way to go may be to go to the private clinic on the Strip,and ask them if they have such an arrangement or do they know a clinic that does

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-09-15 13:04:22 UTC

I have just thought - La Marina Clinic will not come out to an emergency whether you are a member or not - when Mum was ill and I needed an ambulance we called the local SAMU, you will get the no from La Marina Police Sta - they attend with a Dr and assess the situation and they are very good - I'm sorry but I dont have the number for you now.. but make sure you go and get it for the future xx

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2012-09-15 13:36:20 UTC

If you dont have SIP cards then your only way is private, look into local clinics and ask if they have emergency numbers

Commented belenmaughan2 in La Marina 2012-09-15 16:50:50 UTC