My mate Barry

On Friday the 4th of July My wife and I went to see Barry Layton in the Intensive care unit in Torrevieja hospital at 8 pm , he had been there for over a week and we were hoping that he would pull through , unfortunately I received a phone call from the Hospital at 11 pm to tell me that he had not made it
If you know him you will know what a really great guy he was and he will be really missed , if you did not know him then you missed knowing a really wonderful person
You could not help liking him , sorry your gone mate and hope that whatever happens to us you are Ok , miss you ...............

Martina and I, will also miss Barry. He was one of the most gentle, caring and considerate people we have ever met. He was a real gentleman in all senses and we will miss his cheerful character and winning smile, not to forget to mention his trilby or pork pie hat!
We will certainly miss him from our Monday night quiz team at Jays Bar, as he came up with the unusual answers from time to time, and his knowledge of cowboys and all things wild-west was amazing.
We all loved him and will so miss him.
RIP mate

Commented Frizzy in La Marina 2014-07-06 15:22:54 UTC

RIP Barry, we had not known you long but it was always fun. We will always remember you at the San Fulgencio football matches with your bag of food to keep you going xxx

Commented jackieb57 in La Marina 2014-07-06 16:43:55 UTC