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Scottish Referendum

Scottish Referendum
Just a thought. If Scotland breaks away from the rest of the UK will the Scots still be able to draw and claim there pensions abroad for instance here in Spain?

La Marina

Will the English if Cameron and UKIP have a referendum to take us out of Europe?

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2014-09-17 09:16:27 UTC

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-17 10:22:06 UTC

Correct but first they must vote Yes. Worst case scenario is a no vote then told by Westminster we are out of Europe

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2014-09-17 10:35:31 UTC

Oh no the debate has reached this site now,....just put the wall back up and make sure that idiotic tennis player is behind it at the same time

Commented r_moreton in La Marina 2014-09-18 09:18:11 UTC


Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-18 09:57:05 UTC

r_moreton = Ignoramous

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2014-09-18 13:30:26 UTC

Ignoramous ? weejohn, that is not a word that is in my dictionary,...but the word IGNORAMUS is,....Just thought I would point that out also.
After hearing the yes no debate in many bars here on the Urb, I'm pretty sure that not one person I have been in the presence of really cared what the outcome was,...all were just sick and tired of hearing about it.

Commented r_moreton in La Marina 2014-09-19 07:14:19 UTC

A least its all over now, a RIGHT result for some WRONG for others but its the one they have to go with

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2014-09-19 10:58:47 UTC

Well that's the Scottish question sorted for a year or two.
But of course the funny part is yet to unfold, and that is, can The English get the same privileges that the Scots have been promised (the voting by Scots M.Ps only for. things that only concern Scotland) If England is also granted the same privilege, things could get chaotic south of the border, I imagine the Tories would love for this to happen but the Socialists would fight tooth and nail to oppose it, And would there stance be because of giving the people of England a better life, the answer would be an outright 'no'.
It would be self preservation of the two main parties, In case that doesn't make sense, just look at how many Tory M.Ps in Scotland and how many Socialists M.P.s Scotland has, then take these votes away from anything concerning England only and Tories would lose very few votes in England where as Labour would lose possibly over 50 on every vote. So prepare for battle and may the best team win (Or should I say the Least worst team)

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-09-20 11:45:43 UTC

But for us living in Spain is the election in Catalonia ( Cataluña) in November more important.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-20 15:11:37 UTC

Give us some info. on why it should or shouldn't be , from what I see we have absolutely no say in the matter, and one thing I have learnt, Like it or not, it will not matter one iota what you and I think,

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-09-20 15:29:41 UTC

It is correct that we do not live in Cataluña and that we are not spanish citizens living there but we live i Spain and what happens after the election if it is a yes to breaking with Spain we may all be affected in one way or the other. But you are right it will not matter one iota what you and I think. But we have to live with whatever the result will be. And Alan did it matter what you thought about the election in Scotland? I guess not.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-20 20:04:02 UTC

I did not have a choice of which way Scotland would go, I couldn't do anything about it, my opinion wouldn't of mattered one Iota.
With the things that may happen in England, I do have a choice, it does matter, and I can do my bit to get my feelings across.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-09-21 08:00:44 UTC

Alan you asked me why I think the election in Cataluña is more important for us and I think it's obvious. We live in Spain.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-21 08:34:16 UTC

reindeer As usual you have answered a question that I did not ask.
But if you want my truthful feelings, I am British and always will be, I am proud to be British, although as with every other Country it has its problems.
I have reasons for being in Spain at this moment in my life and living (and paying taxes for the pleasure).
As soon as I feel it better for me to become a resident in my true Country, I can assure you that is what I will do, I will then become a holiday home owner in Spain, so that I can keep in touch with Friends and aquaintences over here. If you don't like my attitude, All I can say is tough. At least I tell the truth and don't hide behind a pretence of being Spanish

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-09-21 09:01:13 UTC

Alan, I have never pretended to be Spanish. All I have written is that I live in Spain. And I understand that you also live here. You wrote Give us some info. on why it should or shouldn't be . (the importance of the election in Scotland and Cataluña). That is what I have tried to do, but with no luck as it seems? Of course both elections are/were important but I live in Spain and not in the U.K . Therefore for me the election i Cataluña is more important because it can affect my life in some way or the other. OK I understand your point since you are planning to go back to your birth country some day. Hope the Scottish election was to your satisfaction.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-21 11:28:48 UTC

I didn't want to give the idea of you being Spanish, In fact on other occasions, I have said that I know you are not Spanish, but you have the idea of dropping Spanish words or sentences into your comments,as if to make people think you have great knowledge of Spain and Spainish language. What you have never done is state just what Country you are from, I am and have always been proud to be British, I shout it loud and proud, where as you claim everything to be Spanish because you live here, But do you have no feeling for your country of birth.
As for answering the question on Catalonia region you only gave one reason (because you live in Spain) was the fore importance,is their no against things, or is it that you don't think against Catalonia, because it is part of Spain

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-09-21 11:54:31 UTC

Alan, all this just because I made the comment But for us living in Spain is the election in Catalonia ( Cataluña) in November more important.
Your question But do you have no feeling for your country of birth.
The answer to this question is of course I have! But this has nothing to do with this subject.
Catalonia or Cataluña (yes a Spanish word) election is important and I do not have be for or against. The outcome will be important for Spain.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-21 14:22:49 UTC

you got it all wrong,It had nothing to do with Catalonia or Spain. I get a tad fed up that whenever I or other people mention my homeland, you immediately go into a strop about the fact that we live in Spain so that should be the topic of conversation. I am sorry for you, that for some reason you don't like to mention your homeland, I happen to enjoy being British, the fact that I live in Spain makes Spain my number two, rather than my number one, which was, is and always will be Team G.B.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-09-21 14:50:51 UTC

Why go on about catalunya there so called vote is illegal within the Spanish Constitution so will be null and void maybe the president of catalunya may even get a jail sentence.Whereas the vote in Scotland was done all legally and at least the had the sense to vote no,I hate to think what would have happened amongst europe if it had been a yes.

Commented david in La Marina 2014-09-21 17:27:51 UTC

The Scottish Referendum had nothing to do with Catalonia. That is true. But a yes would have encouraged the Catalonians who are trying to get a free Catalonia in the coming referendum to vote yes. If the Government in Madrid doesn´t stop the whole thing. There were people with Catalonian flags in Scotland hoping for a yes.
And Alan, I live in Spain because I like the way the Spanish people live. Not because I don´t like my homeland. I haven´t burned any bridges.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-23 12:10:47 UTC

Catalan flags, flying in Scotland. Yep, I also saw pigs flying over la Marina.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-09-24 09:30:41 UTC

Alan, if you take the blinders off you may see the world in a different way. You may even se the Union Jack sometimes in Spain. And flags from other countries in the U.K. Surprised? Never seen a supporter with a flag from an other country?
But obviously you missed the biology lessons at school. Sorry to disappoint you. Pigs don't fly. Only in your dreams you can see flying pigs. And maybe flying reindeers if you believe in Santa Claus. But we all must be lucky cows don´t fly. If you have seen a cow lifting its tail. Imagine what could happen!

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-24 11:56:55 UTC

You have got me so interested in the Catalan Flags that were flying over Scotland, in the hope of a yes vote,
Could you tell me which catalan flag was it that was being flown.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-09-24 13:18:38 UTC

Alan, one of the non visible flags for people who have their eyes closed. http://traqueotomia.blogspot.com.es/2014/09/a-escocia-con-un-seat-600-con-la.html
And it is a Spanish article. Not my fault! But you can look at the pictures and try to guess what the article is about. But you have to open your eyes.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-24 15:26:37 UTC

Catalan has only one official flag, But also one unofficial flag, my question which you obviously have trouble answering is which one was flying in Spain, as you told us that the catalan flags were flying you surely must know which flag. Of course ,you can have your usual pop at me with silly innuendos, but really if you don't know the answer, perhaps you can find out. Where as I was in Barca within the last 10days watching football so I know what flag flies.
One other thing you have to learn that is something I have put on this forum before, it is an old saying my Father taught me when I was very young, and that is 'BELIEVE NONE OF WHAT YOU READ AND HALF OF WHAT YOU SEE AND YOU WILL GROW UP VERY WISE'.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-09-24 15:35:17 UTC

Alan, ok I understand that you don't believe me since you never believe what you read and especially not what I write and that you therefore are a very wise man. But why ask me which Catalonian flag was used by Catalan supporters visiting Scotland. As you probably know, since you are a very wise man, there are many different types of that flag. But they all have five yellow stripes and four red stripes. So why is it important for you to know exactly which flag was seen in Scotland? Or maybe you still insist there were no such flags in Scotland during the referendum. If you have seen one does not mean it´s the truth. It could be only half of what you have seen.

Commented reindeer keeper in La Marina 2014-09-24 17:22:11 UTC

Time out give it a rest boys its getting tiresome .

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2014-09-24 17:37:12 UTC

Got to admit weejohnten you are perfectly correct, it is time we both grew up, which is a shame as I thought that we may of got a straight answer if I had persevered. Got to admit ,that aint gonna happen

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-09-24 20:49:05 UTC