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Hi, Its Maggie, State Registered Nurse, and NCEHS Fitness Instructor, here letting you know that I am still teaching my Fitness Classes at the Emerald Isle, La Florida every Monday and Wednesday and Friday at 10.15. The girls meet at 10, class starts at 10.15(ish) , a good hours work, then coffee after it. I have been teaching 7 years at the Emerald Isle, uninterupted... No Zumba, No fancy terms for the classes, just good old fashioned "everyone can do it" classes for the young and the not so young age group. I have girls over 70 and under 50... we do our low impact aerobics followed by good old fashioned, wonderful toning exercises followed by relax and stretches... music is variable.. at the moment its latino stuff,(makes you want to dance) but we have some blues and Motown sounds for exercising to aswell.. 4.50 euro a class, great meeting group all so friendly and welcome all new guests. We are more than a class, we are a Fitness Club... OH... forgot to add that we change to Aqua Aerobics (water exercises) end of June... well depending on how hot it gets and how much the water has warmed up??? Now THATS fun, energising and EASY also for non swimmers... meet you soon, call me if you have any questions 6658 0 6658 or visit me on Face book ...maggie mahony....(thats me with the white hair in the pic) See you soon....

Great to see you using the site Maggie!

Commented Kas in Los Balcones 2011-05-23 15:52:26 UTC