Did you know...
Spain will be celebrating the Fiesta of San Juan who is credited with protection and good luck on the nights ranging from 23rd - 24th June.

On the 23rd bonfires are lit at midnight along the beaches and celebrations and parties continue well into the early hours of the dia de San Juan.
It is traditional to wear white to represent purification and magic with much mention of brujas (witches). Everyone is invited to jump, up-to nine times, over the white embers whilst throwing wishes written on pieces of paper into the fire.

Locally this festival dates back to the days when farmers in Alicante celebrated the longest day of the year for harvesting crops and the shortest night for the destruction of evil.

At midnight on the 24th comes the traditional burning of 'ninots', towering figures of papier mache which are burnt in the streets with the bomberos (firemen) on hand dousing the crowds with water.

What an interesting snippet of information.


Commented Friends 4u Abroad in Los Balcones 2011-06-19 18:11:32 UTC